Advice you can count on for
business sellers and acquirers

How we Assist Acquirers - An Overview

Anderson Shaw offers a range of support services for corporate clients looking to acquire businesses in engineering, manufacturing, technology and B2B service sectors.  The acquisition process places significant strain on management teams and our services are designed to allow management to limit their involvement to those elements in which they are most needed.  Our services comprise:

  • Setting Acquisition Criteria - the more precise the definition of the target the better;
  • Searching for and Approaching Targets - we carry out both on and off-market searches.  We can usually make an initial approach without disclosing our client's name;
  • Analysis & Valuation of Target - we will provide an overview of the business and establish key issues;
  • Negotiation to Heads of Terms - negotiation is one of our core skills and we can add value at this stage;
  • Commercial Due Diligence - we can assist with work which financial and legal advisers may not be able to do;
  • Legal Stages Management - issues often arise which need to be dealt with quickly to avoid delaying the process.

Fee arrangements for setting acquisition criteria and search are based on a discounted day rate plus a small success fee (if a target we 'find' is ultimately acquired).  We ask clients to agree to 3 to 5 days for the initial work which enables them to satisfy themselves that the services are delivering from their point of view.  Days beyond the initial number have to be pre-agreed by the client.  Once a target has been identified, clients can choose from other services as required and these are charged on a normal day rate basis.

If you would like further details why not Contact Us or call for a no obligation, confidential conversation on 02476 100476.

Anderson Shaw is part of GS Verde Group, a leading advisory firm operating across the UK & Ireland

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