As specialist business transfer agents, we provide formal, written business valuation reports for the purposes of a requirement of the Courts, shareholder departure, mergers, incorporation, dispute resolution, separations etc.
For a small uncomplicated business (typically with annual sales of less than £1M, on a single site), we normally allow about 1.5 days to carry out a desk-based valuation. This allows time to carry out the necessary analysis of the accounts, gain an understanding of the business from websites, marketing literature etc and also to speak at reasonable length to the owner or responsible director. Our output is normally a letter extending to 3 or 4 pages with attached financial analysis and we are able to charge a fixed fee for this type of work.
For larger, more complicated businesses, we provide an upfront estimate of the time the work will take. In these cases it will sometimes be necessary for us to visit the business and meet the management. The format of our valuation report can be specified by the client. For a valuation of this sort our fees are day rate based.
We are able to assist with preparing a business valuation for the Courts through our association with an Expert in this field.
We are also willing to operate in an unofficial mediation role - taking into account the views of both parties and providing an objective judgement.
If you need a formal business valuation report and would like to talk to us please call on 02476 100476 or Contact Us.