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business sellers and acquirers

WIHDRAWN Manufacturer of Own Range of Towbars - WITHDRAWN

A manufacturer of its own towbar range is exclusively offered for sale by Anderson Shaw Corporate Finance Ltd.

Established over 30 years ago and located in the West Midlands, the business successfully competes with household brands, predominantly online with excellent reviews for both product and customer service.

The business occupies c 880 square metres of factory space, owned by the vendor, who is flexible over future lease arrangements.

Excluding the vendor,  there are 5 fulltime employees who run the day to day operations very capably. The vendor is currently managing the office processes, typically requiring a couple of hours input per day. The technical / engineering knowledge required is limited, with business acumen and development skills of greater importance.

The business has grown year over year for the last 5 years and is forecast to generate sales in the current year of c £XXXk, delivering an adjusted EBITDA of c £XXXk. The guide price for 100% shares is £XXX, to include a debt free, cash free Balance Sheet (expected to deliver c. £XXX of net assets).


Location: West Midlands

Sales: £XXX   Adjusted EBITDA: £XXX

Guide Price: £XXX

Contact: Chris Elliott, or Peter Wilson        02476 100476

Anderson Shaw Reference - ASCFL/CARACC

Anderson Shaw is part of GS Verde Group, a leading advisory firm operating across the UK & Ireland

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